Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta are encouraged to live their college experience by keeping in mind these five priorities:
Friendship Knowledge Service
Morality Excellence
The term "Not for college days alone" expresses that once you become a brother, you are a brother for life. With over 190,000 initiated brothers since founding in 1848 and over 500 active graduates in the Denver area, the Beta Kappa chapter receives amazing support and networking opportunities from members of all ages.
"These men impacted their community and the world in countless ways, and Boulder has been deprived of this historic chapter for too long. Phi Gamma Delta returned to CU most recently in February 2018, and its Alpha class took their oaths with the intention of bringing this historic chapter back to Boulder for good. The founding fathers of this chapter have been given an experience very few fraternity men will be able to say they have had, and it has shaped us into the proud FIJI men we were meant to be." - Ryan Henkel (Former Beta Kappa President)

Phi Gamma Delta unites men in enduring friendships, stimulates the pursuit of knowledge, and builds courageous leaders who serve the world with the best that is in them.

To be an active, vital force of men who courageously live our values and make a positive impact on college and community.